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Friday, 25 March 2011

Constable Fire vacancy in CISF March-2011

(Ministry of Home Affairs)
Applications are invited from Male Indian citizens for filling up following posts of Constable/ Fire in CISF :
  • Constable/ Fire  : 472 posts (UR-224, SC-81, OBC-129, ST-38)  posts in various states
  • Constable/ Fire  : 317 posts (UR-158, SC-50, OBC-76, ST-33)  posts in Naxal/ Militancy affected areas in various states

CISF Driver and Pump Operator vacancy March-2011

(Ministry of Home Affairs)
Applications are invited from Male Indian citizens for filling up following posts of Drivers and Drivers cum Pum Operator in CISF :
  • Drivers (Constable/Driver) : 1537 posts
  • Driver cum Pump Operator (Constable/ DCPO) : 264 posts

Faculty posts in Chhaatrapati Shahu Ji University Kanpur March-2011

Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU)
Kanpur (UP)

Applications are invited from the citizens of India for appointment on following  Faculty posts :
  1. Director : 01 post
  2. Professor  : 23 posts
  3. Reader : 28 posts
  4. Lecturer : 34 posts

Various jobs in Kurukshetra University March-2011

Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra, Haryana 

Advt. No. 3/2011

Applications for the following Faculty posts are invited on the prescribed Form obtainable alongwith the prescribed qualifications and instructions from the Manager, Printing & Publications, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on payment of Rs. 500/-(Rs. 125/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) in cash at the counter or by post by sending Demand Draft of Rs.550/- (Rs.175/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) drawn in favour of Registrar, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.

Special Drive in Bharat Pumps for various jobs March-2011

 Bharat Pumps & Compressors Ltd. (BPC)
(A Subsidiary of Bharat Yantra Nigam Ltd.)
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Naini, Allahabad-211010, (UP) India

Specialst Recruitment drive for fill up the backlog vacancies of SC/ ST / PwD

BPC Limited requires  young specialists for its technical role positions as per the details given below: 

  1. Graduate Engineer Trainee  : 04 posts (Mechanical -2, Electrical-2), Stipend : Rs.9000/- per month and will be posted in the pay scale of Rs.8600-14600/-
  2. Supervisor Trainee : 01 post (Mechanical-1), Stipend : Rs.6000/- per month will be posted in the pay scale of Rs.5600-8600/-