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Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Kamala Nehru College Delhi Assistant-Professor-Lecturer vacancy April210

(University of Delhi)
August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-49

Applications on prescribed format are invited for the following Teaching posts of Assistant Professor / Lecturer, so as to reach the college office by 31/05/2010 :

Assistant Professor : Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6000/-

  1. Economics : Temporary - 1 (SC-1), Permanent -1 (OBC)
  2. English : Permanent -1 (OBC-1)
  3. Journalism : Permanent -1 (SC-1)
  4. Geography : Temporary-1 (SC-1)
  5. History : Permanent - 1 (OBC-1)
  6. Mathematics : 01 (OBC-) Permanent
  7. Philosophy : Temporary-1 (SC)
  8. Political Science : Permanent-2 (UR)
  9. Psychology : Permanent -1 (UR), 
  10. Sociology : Permanent -3 (UR-2, SC-1)

Qualification : Good academic record with atleast 55% of marks (50% for SC/ST/OBC/PH or those who have passed their Master's Degree prior to 19/09/91 and hold a Ph.D. degree) or an equivalent grade of B in the seven point scale with later grade O,AB,C,D,E & F at the Master's Degree level in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a foreign university.
Canidates should have qualified the NET conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similiar test accredited by the UGC. however, those candidates who are holding M.Phil. or Ph.D. degree in the concerned subject are exempted from NET.

Applications Forms can be had from the College Office on any working day between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM on payment of Rs.50/- (no fee for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH candidates) in cash or through DD in favour of the Principal, Kamala Nehru College. Those who wish to take Application Forms through post send DD alongwith a self-addressed stamped envelop of 9" x 4" size.

Application forms and details can also be downloaded from the website

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